Saturday, December 27, 2008

Humpback Whales on the Central California Coast

The Humpback Whale is an Endangered species, occurring in all the world's Ocean. The central California population of Humpback whales migrates from their winter calving and mating areas off Mexico to their summer and fall feeding areas off coastal California. Humpback whales occur in Monterey Bay area from late April to early December. During this period the whales are here to feed on anchovies, sardines, and krill.

Humpback whales reach lengths of 50 to 55 ', are dark in color with distinctive nodules on their rostrum, and have pectoral flippers that are nearly a third of their body length. Current population estimates for Humpback whales off California conducted by Cascadia Research Collective indicate there are about 800 whales in this population. All whales have been photo-identified by natural markings and coloration on the underside of the tail fluke. From this photo-identification work, the migratory movements, calving intervals, association patterns, and population estimates can be determined for these whales.

WHERE YOU CAN SEE Humpback whales: Humpback whales are in the Monterey Bay area to feed and they often shift to feeding various locations depending on prey density. Humpbacks are often observed lunge feeding near the surface or deep diving for prey that is concentrated several hundred feet deep. This whale is the most animated of all the baleen whales, and they are often seen breaching, spyhopping, pectoral fin slapping, tail lobbing and.

Humpback whales are often seen from the highway turnouts throughout Big Sur. At the Junction of Partington Ridge and Highway One there is a deep canyon where the Submarine Humpback whales are seen on a regular basis.

In recent years, many different Humpback whales in this population often approachs boats for "friendly" Encounters. When engaging in this "friendly" behavior, a whale will often circle the boat, rub up against it, spyhop within several feet of the boat, roll on its side and extend its pectoral angeltje toward the boat, and often tilt its head with an eye open, appearing to look up at the boat and people on board. This phenomenon has been increasing each year, probably because this new generation of whales that have never known whaling are becoming curious about boats, and they often stay for several hours investigating our boat. This is totally contact initiated by the whales. source:

Fish and amphibians

Fish and amphibians appear in the earth suddenly and without any ancestors. Evolusionis can not explain the origins of the two groups of creatures living this.

Evolusionis that the marine invertebrate species found in the layer Kambrium evolved into fish in the tens of million years. However, not found one chain that shows the evolution of the transition had occurred between invertebrates and fish species of this. Invertebrates, or animals not vertebrate, has a strong network outside the body and they do not have in order. Conversely, the fish have bones, namely, the network hardware in their bodies. Thus, the evolution of invertebrates into fish is a very big change that should have left forms the chain that connects the two groups of animals this.

Evolusionis has excavate fossil Layers for more than 140 years to find forms that are suspected to exist. They have found millions and millions of fossil invertebrates fossil fish; but no one ever found a form of middle between them.

Facing the facts, experts evolusionis paleontology, Gerald T. Told, to a number of questions:

Third subdivisional bony fish first appeared in the fossil record at approximately the same time .... How do they come? What causes them is very different ... And why no trace forms of transition before? 26

A fossil 280 million years of age who come from the frog species that have become extinct. This discovery revealed that the frogs appear suddenly in the earth without any predecessor.

Scenario also said that the evolution of fish, which evolved from the invertebrates, later changing themselves into amphibian that can live in the land. (Amfibi are animals that can live on land and in water, such as frogs). But, as there is in your mind, this scenario does not have any evidence. No one fossil also shows that half-fish creatures, half amphibian ever. Although reluctant, is justified by the fact evolusionis leading figures, Robert L. Carrol, author books Vertebrate Paleontology and Evolution: "We do not have a mid-shaped fossil between fish and amphibians riphidistian-amphibian early." 27

In short, fish and amphibians appear suddenly and both have a form as is now without any predecessor. In other words, God created them, each in a form that is perfect.

Dolphins, which is always smiling

No animals are so friendly and like dolphins. Attitude that they are tame and clearly visible from the face.

At birth, was first out ekornya, and finally his head and body. To feed the children, parent dolphins move the muscles in the gland susunya milk to squirt water into the mouth of a child. You can compare them with a bottle of milk with your hand to inject the contents to the outside.

Mammals do not actually need such as spraying to breastfeed her child. However, such a very important time in the water. Get the parent dolphins are thinking and how to develop such a self? Can he knows how important such a complete and scrofula susunya with musculature? As you imagine, it's not possible! As we emphasize all, God created the parent body of dolphins with a situation that is very appropriate to the needs of their children.

Respiratory system dolphins also similar to humans. However, nose hole does not lie in the middle of the face, but at the top of his head. As human beings, before the dive, dolphins mengirup air and menahannya in the lungs. When they emerged from the depth of the water, a few meters before reaching the surface, they will expel the air with a powerful air holes through them.

You may never see on TV how santainya dolphins swim in the water, and even able to compete with the ship. They are the perfect swimmer. The skin is smooth and slippery is the main reason why they can swim with so perfect. This distinction helped slide in the water and swim faster. Other privileges that make dolphins swim is quickly nose, referred to as a muzzle. Muzzle of dolphins is very fit to swim fast, even become a model for ship design.

Thanks to the form, and our ships can sail faster than before.

You know that dolphins do not have any smell and indra also blind?

However, God gave him a very sharp hearing. Dolphins can hear the sound of far-kilometer berkilo. In addition, by using the system in the body similar to the equipment "sonar" used in the bottom of the sea, they can easily find out the direction and know where mangsanya. The system is working tool as follows: Voters issued dolphins, which can not be heard by humans, spread in the form of sound waves under water. When the sound of a strike, it will bounce back and menumbuknya. The time needed for fish or a stone bruise and bounce back shows the distance from the quarry or stone. System on the dolphins is inspire scientists to create a sonar system on the submarine.

Indra hearing a dolphin is very sharp protect a victim of other fish in the sea.

source :

Clown fish

Characteristic of most interesting of this fish, the body is decorated with bright colors, is where God life has been choise. Clown fish live in the coral branches of the tree known as the "anemon sea." There is a capsule-toxic capsule on the branches anemon sea fish that will make the touch dead or injured. However clown fish never hurt by this anemon sea. Even those hiding behind the branches that make them safe from the sweeping. There is a special fluid in the body is the clown fish protect from the 'bite' capsule anemon sea.

Is not this incredible? Unlike other fish, the fish is the liquid that protect from poison in the vicinity of his life. I know that this is not anemon sea dangerously, when in danger, he quickly hides in the capsule, the capsule toxic. How do they know that other fish that can not handle the fish or the other does not have liquids such as a farmer? No doubt, not the brain and the ability of small fish that can give this knowledge. There is a power that has been set, namely, God, creator of heaven and earth and all that is between them.


Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Clown Anemonefish

Anyone with kids and a DVD player probably thinks they know all there is to know about the clown anemonefish, or, simply, clownfish. What they may not know is that the heroes of Finding Nemo are actually called false anemonefish. True anemonefish, Amphiprion percula, are nearly identical, but have subtle differences in shape and live in different habitats.

Bright orange with three distinctive white bars, clown anemonefish are among the most recognizable of all reef-dwellers. They reach about 4.3 inches (11 centimeters) in length, and are named for the multicolored sea anemone in which they make their homes.

Clownfish perform an elaborate dance with an anemone before taking up residence, gently touching its tentacles with different parts of their bodies until they are acclimated to their host. A layer of mucus on the clownfish's skin makes it immune to the fish-eating anemone's lethal sting. In exchange for safety from predators and food scraps, the clownfish drives off intruders and preens its host, removing parasites.

There are 28 known species of anemonefish, most of which live in the shallow waters of the Indian Ocean, the Red Sea, and the western Pacific. They are not found in the Caribbean, Mediterranean or Atlantic Ocean.

Surprisingly, all clownfish are born male. They have the ability to switch their sex, but will do so only to become the dominant female of a group. The change is irreversible.

source :

Monday, December 22, 2008

The shark bone

The shark bone cancer and Rematch
Jessie Arbogast, toddlers, aged 8 years old, never think liburannya changed into hell. When mid-July last year, he played in the coastal water that was knee-deep in the Gulf Islands National Beach in Florida suddenly attacked by shark along the 2.1 meters. The arm from shoulder to the elbow are, as well as meat on the thigh.

Imagine shark, the Shark, which is to be ferocious creature spiked sharply, eager memangsa other animals, even humans. However, when estimates of escape from behind the shadows that saved frightening for the benefit of human life.

Unless delectable eaten siripnya that (even in China as the "compulsory comestible" the palace since the Ching Dynasty), bone rawannya that the cure of various diseases. Sharks, including vertebrate, but in fact consists entirely of cartilage (cartilage), in other words, sharks do not have a bone in his body.

In shark cartilage contained protein, calcium, phosphorus, carbohydrate, water, fiber, fat and other components as the natural nutrition. Conversely, the cartilage is not found elements of heavy metal, not the kind of music, but the flow of elements such as zinc, copper, merkury, nickel and the like which tend dangerous for humans.

Viewing content similar substances, experts conclusion, shark cartilage is not toxic and has no side effects, to be consumed safely. Management Agency United States Food and Drugs (FDA), since 1993, issued a special permit for the use of shark cartilage as a treatment alternative support.

Based on the clinical research, stated shark cartilage are able to maintain growth and spread of tumor cells, helps reduce pain and bone pain, rheumatism help avoid disease, maintain and strengthen the function of bones, to help remove the feeling stiff and rheumatism, and health care facilities and the body avoid aberration that crooked spine.

Research shark cartilage in the joints and diseases by rheumatism bone surgeon Dr. John Pruden from Harvard. Research shows the initial 25 patients from 28 patients suffering from severe rheumatism artristis accompanied by the movement disfunction after states cartilage during the 3-8 week showed the results were quite good. This is because shark cartilage contains protein, collagen protein to replace the damaged joint disease in rheumatism.

Shark cartilage has long been known also as a healthy food by the Chinese community in the form of porridge eaten the freshness of the body and lead to more activity. Dr. Lane Phd, a nutrition expert from the sea Cornell University that the United States to develop and carry out research on shark cartilage, get a lot of progress in the clinical results when people with rheumatism (interference in the joints) or cancer consuming shark cartilage.

Finally obtained hypothesis and the anti-inflamsi anti Angio Genesis is a major factor cartilage shark, which can cause food is used for bone disease and cancer. As is known, in the case of major diseases (management bones, porous bones, nerves and rheumatism acid artritis) complaint that is most often pain and swelling (inflammation). Pain and swelling occurs because the release of harmful chemical called IL-1 (interlekin one) and TNF (tumor Necrosing Factor), after receiving injury, wound, micro and continuously.

So, after knowing the origins of disease to the conservation principle that the optimal required a good knowledge about the anatomical joints, the risk factors that aggravate the membrane joint treatment and coating the joint cartilage. As a creature of social mobility that we need good, then surely there are large or small wound on the principle that continuously, especially when sporting activities will increase.

Given the nature of the coating joint cartilage does not get a lot of food consumption from the blood because it is not dialiri by blood vessels, therefore required the consumption of food fish such as shark cartilage, which is now many are packed in food consumption, "ready to use." You are not trying.


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